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Version: 2.2

2.5 Import Export Feature

The Import Export Feature in the Target Enities is used to export Target Entities with their attributes like properties, mappings, relationships, joinings. It can be used to export Target Entities from one instance and import them on another instance. Only the Target Entitiy with their attributes is exported, data in the Target Entities will not be exported.

2.5.1 Export

To export Target Entities click the Export button in the Target Entities section. Set a name for the export file and select the Target Entities you want to export.

In the next step mark the checkboxes for the attributes you want to export:

  • Relationship: Exports Relationships that are connected to this Target Entity.
  • Data Pump Container > Data Pump Image: Exports the Data Pump Image and the Container.
  • Configurations: Exports the Configurations of the Target Entity.
  • Data Importer Mapping: Exports the current mapping of the properties.
  • Data Importer Joining: Exports the Joinings created on the Tagret Entity.

Attributes of a Target Entity that will always be exported are properties, built Business keys, built Artifacts and Expressions. After the selection press the Export button in the top right corner. The export file will be saved under the given name in the file storage with the file extension .gbs.

2.5.1 Import

To import Target Entities click the Import button in the Target Entities and select the file you want to import. Select the atrributes with the checkboxes like relationship, Data Pump etc.