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Version: 2.3

2.6 Relationships

Create and edit Relationships

The basic concept behind the relationships in the Data Context Hub is a similar one as between tables in a relational data based. We have to specify a From Entity and a From Property which matches a value in a To Property located in the selected To Entity.

The From and To entity can be different as well as the same Target Entity. We would create a relationship where the To and From entity refers to the same Target Entity in the case of hierarchies for example.

  • Reverse: Exchanges the current From Entity and Property with the Current To Entity and Property.

  • Clear Relationships: Clears all the relationships objects current present in the staging layer. The relationships still stay in the knowledge graph.

  • Relationship description: Is short description of the relationship. This information is not stored in the graph and servers more documentation purposes.

  • Relationship alias: This is the Label of the relationship in the graph. The name must not contain whitespaces or special characters. (Sample: Defined_By)

  • Resolution of many to many relationships: By default the Data Context Hub assumes that all the relationships defined could be many to many. When generating the relationships the Data Context Hub will split the values in the From and To properties based on the Separator defined. The generated arrays based on the split will be compared with each other and in case of matching pair a relationship will be generated.

  • Separator: The separator serves as the split character in the many to many resolution in the Data Context Hub.

  • Hierarchical relationship: Marks a particular relationship as hierarchical. This flag is acknowledged by the Data Context Hub Explorer and will based on that adjust some layout behavior when rendering a graph with nodes associated with this relationship.

Editing relationships

Create multiple Relationships

To create multiple relationships in one session the user has to activate to Create another toggle. If you want to create multiple outgoing relationships on a Target Entity you have to activate the toggle on the From entity. If you want to create multiple incoming relationships on a Target Entity you have to activate the toggle on the To entity. To create multiple relationships between two Target Entities, activate both toggles

Create multiple Relationships

Relationship Diagram

The Relationship Diagram provides an overview of the schema of the Knowledge Graph.

Relationship diagram showing an overview of the Knowledge Graph Schema