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Version: 2.3


Views are a starting location which can be defined by the user. They can be accessed from the Data Context Hub EBS and Explorer. A View is defined by a Cypher query: When starting the exploration with a View, only nodes and relationships returned by its cypher query will be displayed.

During the execution of a Cypher query, the Graph Access Layer filters nodes, properties, and relationships a user is allowed to see. Parameters for the Cypher query can be defined in the Parameter List within the Add or Edit View.


Views only support cypher queries returning nodes and relationships. If other responses are required (like counting), consider writing a Function.


Parameters are a powerful feature that enhances query efficiency, security, and readability. They are used to pass values to queries at runtime, allowing for more dynamic and reusable queries. Parameters used in a query should also be added to the parameter list. This list is returned by EBS endpoints to inform consuming applications which parameters have to be provided to execute a view correctly. A view can be executed via EBS' POST /api/graph/query/views/{id} endpoint.