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Version: 2.3

2.13 Workspaces

Workspaces assign Target Entities to users. Therefore the creator of a workspace has to assign users to a workspace and select the Target Entities that the users are allowed to see. Users that are not included into the workspace cannot see the Target Entities in the GBS. Workspaces are used to exclude unpermitted users from accessing Target Entities and can also be used to structure Target Entities in groups and only show them when a workspace is selected.

Select and open Workspaces

To select a workspace the user has to select a created workspace from the dropdown menu in the top-right corner in the GBS. To create or open a workspace the user has to click on the cogwheel symbol next to the dropdown menu. After that the workspace menu opens where the user can see a list of workspaces that are assigned to him and can also create new workspaces.

Workspace open

Create Workspace

To create a new workspace the user has to click +Add Workspace. In the next mask assign users to the workspace, set a Title and save the workspace.

To assign Target Entities to the Workspace go to Target Entities and select the workspace from the dropdown. Select the button +Add to workspace and add the wanted Target Entities to the workspace. Save the selection to confirm.

Workspace open

Info: Target Entities can only be assigned to one Workspace.

List of things that can be added to a Workspace

In a similar manner as you can add a Target Entity to a workspace, it is also possible to add other thing to a workspace like Loadplans or relationships. In the following list the subjects that can be added to a workspace are listed.